Hello All,
I was advised by a couple of residents on NextDoor that a Media Outlet reported that PATH Ventures/Wakeland Development representatives related to their project on Mt. Alifan Dr. would be attending the monthly Clairemont Community Planning Group Main Meeting.
I am letting you all know that they are NOT scheduled to be present at our meeting. Nor do we (the Planning Group) know when they will be presenting at our meeting next.

I do understand that this project, (while in its very early stages) is contentious and residents would like to speak out on it.
So you are aware, we do have a Non-Agenda Public Comment period on our agenda at the beginning of the meeting where you will have the opportunity to speak for 2 minutes regarding issues that are not on the CCPG Agenda this month, but are within the jurisdiction of CCPG itself.
As we do have a rather full agenda lined up for the month of April, we will try and hear everyone possible during the Non-Agenda Comment Period. But due to time limitations, we may have to move on after a certain time so our agenda items can be heard and tended to.
In closing, I will say that folks who have not heard of what CCPG does for your community to come to our meetings, and understand what our group does for Clairemont.
Thank you.
-Nicholas Reed/CCPG Vice-Chair
Clairemont Community Planning Group