On Thursday 9/26 the Parking, Transportation & Mobility sub-committee of the Clairemont Community Planning Group met with one item Action/Review item on the Agenda:
- Clairemont Dr. Bike Lane Striping (Everett Hauser, City of San Diego)
In conjunction with the City’s Pure Water Project, Mr Hauser will present 3 different options to remove between 5 to 31 street parking spaces along Clairemont Dr. to add striping for a Bike Lane in each direction of travel.
The three handouts provided two options A or B. One has to reference all 3 pages to visualize a stretch of Clairemont Dr. Option A is on top for all 3. B is obviously the bottom.
The three handouts (3 pictures) from City staff were landscape mode on sheets of paper 11×17.
In order to really understand this, one has to get their bearings. The portion of Clairemont Dr referenced is south of Balboa Ave. starting at Ute St heading towards Mission Bay. With that being said envision you are beginning travel from Clairemont Drive at Balboa heading south towards Mission Bay.
*Important to note, none of this restriping/repainting is happening any time soon. This restriping would potentially take place after Pure Water has opened up the street and placed pipes. Staff in attendance gave a date of potential Pure Water construction starting in this area December 2019 restriping maybe 1 year later after the project is complete. Of course, there are a lot of variables in this restriping project because of Pure Water construction.
Ute Dr. Area Option A top (potential for 5 parking spaces to be removed)
The SW corner of the intersection has a Bus Stop/Red Zone. 5 parking spaces potentially removed. A 6’ wide bike lane begins at the corner of the intersection. A car travel closest to the sidewalk begins at 14’ and gradually tapers down to 11’.
Dakota Dr. Area Option A top (potential for 16 parking spaces to be removed)
Vehicle parking continues to have a 7’ wide lane. Approaching Dakota Dr from the North Bike lane shrinks from 6’ to 5’ South of the intersection bike lane increases to 7’ wide for a section decreases to 6’.
In this option potential for 7 parking spaces to be removed South of Dakota Dr on the West side of the street, and 9 parking spaces removed on the East side of the street North of Dakota basically in front of Whittier Elementary.
Iroquois Ave. Area Option A top (potential for 8 parking spaces to be removed)
By now as you are heading south very similar not much has changed. On the Eastern side of Clairemont Dr proposed removal of 8 parking spaces in front of The Summit Apartment Complex
Ute Dr. Area Option B (potential for 5 parking spaces to be removed)
Basically, the same scenario, however, this would entail removing the raised median from the turning lanes.
Also, important to note in both options there is NO bike lane option/striping from Ute Dr to the Balboa Ave intersection heading North.
Dakota Dr. Area Option B (no removal of parking spaces, however South of Dakota begins elimination of a vehicle travel lane heading South)
This would again include removing of raised medians in the turning lanes. Once you travel through the intersection heading south two lanes merge into one after about 70’.
(The best way to think about this scenario is picture the merging of traffic on Clairemont Dr. just south of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. this would be a very similar transition.)
Iroquois Ave Area Option B (no removal of parking spaces still a one vehicle lane portion of Clairemont Dr.)
Between Dakota & Iroquois there is a 8’ wide lane for vehicle parking, a 3’ wide buffer lane of striping, a 7’ wide bike lane and an additional 3’ buffer lane of striping.
With regards to removal of raised medians, City staff mentioned there are potential utilities in the medians and this would also need to be further researched.
The subcommittee did not come to an agreement with the project and moved to continue and also asked City staff to come back with more traffic data, more scenarios where there could be less parking removed, a potential class 4 bike lane as well as what the entire street could look like with a road diet.
This potential project will be coming before the sub committee in the future possibly in November and also before the full Clairemont Community Planning Group at a to be determined date.