Greetings once again to the loyal readers and welcome to the newcomers! This edition I hope, as always, you will enjoy and more importantly, learn something new about what is happening in the neighborhoods.
We are celebrating a lot of history lately; March was a busy month with the Clairemont Hilltoppers Little League team beginning their 60th Season. Linda Vista kicked off their year-long celebration of their 75th Anniversary. Clairemont High School class of 1966 is preparing for their 50th Reunion and there is a piece in this edition, which will really bring you back to that time.
The page 1 story by Bill Swank about Tecolote Canyon is a real look back at history. Swank informed me there is so much information on the canyon there was no way it could be contained in just one article as it would not do Tecolote justice. Part 2 of his masterful piece will be published in the May edition.
Speaking of the canyon, Trent Robertson wrote a nice piece this month on snakes, as rattlesnakes have been spotted in Tecolote, please be careful and let them be. Reminds me, I’ve met a few snakes in the grass in my life they were not in the canyon though, but I digress.
In March I posted on social media that I was waiting for some cows at La Jolla Shores, people thought I had lost my mind. I attended a pretty cool reenactment (p16).
This edition has a lot more local information about the neighborhoods, enjoy the following pages and please support the advertisers who make this paper possible.
I would be remiss if I did not mention my father as this April 15th he would have turned 90 years old, a great dad and career newspaper man.
Hopefully you enjoy this edition of the Clairemont Times as always I can be reached atchris@clairemonttimes.com and at (858) 752 9779
Clairemont Times April 2016 E Edition