54.4 F
Clairemont, California
Friday, March 14, 2025

Clairemont Welcomes Supportive Housing

By Emily Cottrell & Brian Gruters Dear Clairemont Community Planning Group: (Note: this letter was originally sent and read live to the Clairemont Community Planning Group at their May 15th monthly meeting and is being reprinted...

Housing First: Dollars Saved by the City but at What Cost to the Community?

By The Team at Clairemont Cares Housing First is a knee jerk reaction to a problem long ignored. The proposed 5858 Mt. Alifan Project is Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) intended for the chronically homeless and...

Ivy Senior Apartments (formerly Mt. Alifan Apartments)

Community Update: Thank you for your interest in the new supportive housing community that we are planning for 5858 Mt. Alifan Drive in Clairemont. Our development team has spent the last several weeks refining the concept...

Full Closures Of Interstate 5

Southbound I-5 Lane Closures for Column Construction A series of overnight closures are scheduled on all southbound lanes on Interstate 5 (I-5). Southbound closures of I-5 will be from the Interstate 805 (I-805) merge to...

Volunteers Wanted: Pure Water Working Group

pr On April 10, 2018, the City Council voted unanimously to move forward with Phase 1 of the Pure Water Program by certifying the Pure Water San Diego North City Project Final Environmental Impact...

Bringing Back the True Meaning of Memorial Day

(Memorial Day 2018 - Monday, May 28) Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. Three years after the Civil War ended,...

Pure Water Corners City Council

Commentary by Louis Rodolico You had to be there to see it. Pure Water Management hustled City Council into accepting pipeline alignments they and their constituents rejected.  Most testified in favor of the expansion of...

Mt Alifan Update from the Developers

Email Blast In order to receive these same emails you are encouraged to sign up at the email below. Thank you for your interest in the new supportive housing community that we are proposing at 5858...

City Council Waives Fees to Accelerate Construction of Granny Flats 

PR – With the goal of increasing San Diego’s housing supply for low- and middle-income San Diegans, the City Council today adopted an additional strategy that supports Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer’s “Housing SD” plan and...

163 & Friars Rd Update

pr A few weeks ago, construction crews resumed work on most of the project area after the March 7 incident when a subcontractor struck a 20-inch high pressure gas line. Work will not resume...

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