Are you a fan of Chik-fil-A? If you would like to see the design of the potential drive up & walk up restaurant (no interior seating) hear the presentation, voice your support or disapproval reps from corporate will be there as will the architect and other staff. Proposed location is the former Coco’s Bakery on 5955 Balboa Ave 92111 at Mt Abernathy/Mt Alifan

If you have driven along Balboa Ave you have seen the delineators heading Eastbound. You have probably also seen the ones that have been hit and demolished. City staff will be presenting information about the Bike Lane at CCPG meeting.
Another item on the agenda is The Summit at MB or more commonly known as the Coral Bay Apartments. Back in 2009 City Council approved plans to turn these into condos, the developer moved forward on those plans and is now seeking an extension from the already approved plans. Learn more at this meeting.