Last evening the Clairemont Community Planning Group (CCPG) Ad Hoc Sub Committee voted to support a potential change eliminating a car lane on Morena Blvd.

The City of San Diego Planning Department presented to the Ad Hoc Subcommittee meeting before a crowd of roughly 50 residents. Three options were presented by the city the first being “A No Project” which would leave Morena Blvd from Gesner St south to roughly Tecolote Rd Bridge as is. The 2nd option was eliminating 1 southbound lane on Morena Blvd however designing a turning lane for left hand turns, and the 3rd option was making Morena Blvd a two lane road 1 South & 1 North with a turning lane.

After dialogue and public comment the committee voted 7-1 in favor to endorse the 2nd option. By no means does this mean the future of Morena Blvd will be exactly as it was presented and voted upon last evening, but rather this was the preferred option at this time moving forward. There are many variables to the entire stretch of Morena Blvd in anticipation of the Mid Coast Trolley. This vote will now allow traffic analysis to be performed on both the 2nd option as well as the No Project and what impacts this could have on Morena Blvd.
Couple of interesting points to note especially for bicyclists and pedestrians, in both the second and third options a protected bike lane is proposed for bike commuters travelling North & South on Morena on the West side of Morena Blvd. The renderings do not include a bike lane on the East side of Morena. Both the 2nd & 3rd options show a sidewalk on the West side of Morena which was debated and discussed by many.
The Morena Blvd Ad Hoc Subcommittee is made up of majority members on the CCPG as well as residents or business owners, who like the committee, have volunteered. The subcommittee has been meeting for well over a year to discuss future ideas, designs, traffic and mobility for the Morena Corridor. The CCPG itself is an advisory group, of volunteers made up of residents and business owners, to the City of San Diego.
*Note The entire set of slides (better visuals) from this meeting will be posted “within the coming days” on the link below by the City of San Diego.
For more information about this plan as well as the Clairemont area visit and scroll down: https://www.sandiego.gov/planning/community/profiles/clairemontmesa
If you have questions, concerns or would like to provide feedback to the city planning department, Michael Prinz a Senior Planner for the City of San Diego and this Clairemont, Bay Park, Linda Vista project can be reached via phone or email: (619) 533-5931 or MPrinz@sandiego.gov