A handout (see below) given at the Caltrans/City of San Diego Open House for the upcoming SR163/Friars Rd project was news to some. Separate from the 163 Phase 1 project was information on the Morena Blvd exit closing for three months.
Projected to start early 2018, as early as January, the Westbound on the I8 Morena Blvd exit will be closed completely for 3 consecutive months.
Caltrans is planning to widen I8 in a project expected to take two years. As part of the widening of the freeway the exit will be closed, in addition there will be other multiple closures of the Morena exit however much more sporadic.
The detour will be to take I5 North and exit at Tecolote Rd.
For more information, visit www.dot.ca.gov/d11