1/14/17 This weekend, crews will remove trees located within the Mid-Coast Trolley project area on the west side of Morena Boulevard near Baker Street in the City of San Diego.

Twelve eucalyptus trees and one palm tree will be removed. Upon completion of construction, trees and other types of vegetation will be replanted along Morena Boulevard where there is sufficient distance between the street and the new Trolley extension. For safety purposes, tree canopies when fully grown must be kept away from the overhead catenary lines associated with the new Trolley project. For this reason, trees cannot be replanted at all locations along Morena Boulevard.
The work will occur on Saturday, Jan. 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Traffic controls will be in place. Crews may return to the area on Saturday, Jan. 20, and/or Saturday, Jan. 27, to finish the work.
Once complete, the Mid-Coast Trolley project will extend service from Old Town to the University City community, serving the VA Medical Center, UC San Diego, and the busy commercial and residential districts along Genesee Avenue. Major construction work began in 2016, with service anticipated to begin in 2021.
For more information on Mid-Coast project construction, go to KeepSanDiegoMoving.com/MidCoast.