Earlier in the week I posted some pictures of the under construction Mid Coast Trolley where I photographed some shots from along Santa Fe St as well as the Tecolote Rd/Sea World Dr Bridge. I had a comment/question on our Instagram feed about the columns (pictured).

I ran into Terry Martin the Construction Manager for the project and he informed me those 6 columns currently in place are for a future “skyway” his term. Additional columns will be built in the future to complete the skyway

Since the new Mid Coast Trolley tracks will be parallel and east of the LOSSAN (think cargo trains, AMTRAK) rail corridor there has to be a crossover as the Mid Coast travels north along the 5 and the LOSSAN tracks eventually head east.
Hence the reason for the columns the Mid Coast trolley will be up on the skyway for a brief duration crossing up and over the LOSSAN tracks.