Attached PDFs
By James LaMattery, Spokesperson for Raise The Balloon
It’s Time to let the City Planning Dept Know What We Want
Since the April 2014 unveiling of the Morena Blvd Station Area Planning Study and the revelation that they wanted to bust our 30 ft height limit to allow developers to build to 60 ft, we have told them what we don’t want.
Now’s the time to tell them what we do want.
Our 10-question Community Survey is online at www.raisetheballoon.com and in the March edition of the Clairemont Times. (See page 9 fill it out and mail it in)
It takes 5 minutes to complete. We have volunteers going door-to-door with an explanatory flyer throughout the community.
Many of our elderly residents don’t have computer access to take the survey online, so we are asking any volunteers who would like to distribute the March edition of the CT to them, to please contact us using the contact page on www.raisetheballoon.com.
No matter what side of the issues you’re on, we need to hear from as many residents as possible in order to present these views to the City Council as well as help us formulate and finalize our Community Initiated Amendments. You can find out more about these amendments on our website.
We’re hosting a ‘2015 Kick-off’ meeting on March 12th from 6:30 to 8pm at Bay Park Elementary School Auditorium. We will update everyone on the planning process and discuss and review the survey results and unveil our RTB action plan for 2015.
If you know someone who does not have access to a computer but would like to fill out the survey there is a printable PDF below.
After completing the survey you can either drop it off at the meeting or mail it to:
Raise The Balloon
PO Box 17640
San Diego, CA 92177