67.9 F
Clairemont, California
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Squaremont: Toasting an Old Friend

Have you ever received a St. Patrick's Day greeting card wishing you the luck of the Irish? Grinning Leprechauns, rainbows, four-leaf clovers and a pot of gold... Historically, the luck of the Irish meant bad...

A Tale of Two Parades

Through the best of times and the worst of times, I have been Santa Claus at the Organ Pavilion for San Diego’s “December Nights in the Park.” I have watched many babies grow up...

Chuck Buck, Cub Reporter

Today, Charles Buck is a successful and busy businessman. 53 years ago, Chuck Buck was a newly graduated San Diego State College broadcast major with a 1A draft board classification in serious need of a job. Millennials don't...

Captain Schlack’s One-Man War with the “Surf Riders”

In 1953, in response to fervent anti-Communist feelings that swept the nation, the Cincinnati Reds baseball club officially changed its name to the Redlegs. Porkopolis fans would have to wait until 1959 to call their team the Reds again. Later that...

A Clairemont Probation Officer Reflects on the past…

2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus the Obscure understood that the world is in a constant state of change. Almost fifty years ago, as an obscure probation officer supervising a caseload of obscure juvenile...

Eclipse of the Sun

  “Suppose you are a woman, happily married, that you have a 21-months-old daughter, and that you know something valuable to the state in a murder trial; but that to reveal what you know will...

Farewell to “Bobo” Henderson

My friend, Neale "Bobo" Henderson, was San Diego's last former Negro League baseball player. He passed on December 27, 2018 at age 88. Neale was preceded in death by former local Negro Leaguers: Johnny Ritchey, Walter...

American Legion Baseball Returns to San Diego

American Legion Baseball has a rich tradition in San Diego. Local teams won the National American Legion Baseball Championship in 1938, 1941 and 1954 and were runners-up in 1940 and 1952. Now, after more...

Who’s Who in Clairemont: 2018

It has become traditional for the first Squaremont column of the New Year to be "Who's Who in Clairemont." Criteria for eligibility are simple and straightforward: Live in Clairemont and send an email about the...


People have joked that my office is the food court at the Morena Boulevard Costco. I have certainly enjoyed meeting many interesting people under the red and white Kirkland umbrellas. Last month, I was approached...

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