Save the Date & Plan to Drop off Your Old Electronics on April 11th
Technology’s blistering pace is leaving a hazardous byproduct in its wake: E-waste. On April 11th, 2015 Cadman Elementary PTA will be teaming up with All Green Electronics Recycling to host an E-waste recycling collection from 10:00am – 2:00pm at 4370 Kamloop Ave, San Diego, CA 92117.The event is free and open to the public and anyone who is interested in disposing their E-waste in a safe and secure environment.

What is E-waste? That dated laptop in your hall closet, that VCR you haven’t used since you got the new DVD player, the dust-covered monitor in your garage, or basically anything with a plug that is unused, obsolete or non-working. All Green Electronics Recycling accepts computers, monitors, printers, TVs, VCRs, stereos, and other electronic equipment–anything with a plug and circuit board will be accepted. FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE OR KITCHEN APPLIANCES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
E-waste contains heavy metals such as lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, and zinc that contaminate our soil and water, and is responsible for 70 percent of all heavy metals found in landfills today. A recent report by the Environmental Protection Agency says E-waste in landfills will grow four-fold over the next five years.
For more information, please visit www.allgreenrecycling.com