Last week a Clairemont man had his bike stolen in broad daylight at Clairemont Town Square while working out at the gym.
Patrick Vacca has been pedaling around Clairemont for years after being in a car accident which has left the right side of his body partially paralyzed.
Speaking with his mother, Susan Vacca she explained, “losing his bike is like losing his freedom.”
Susan went on to say she spoke with the property management company of Clairemont Town Square along with the security company that patrols the area and all they could say was, “we are sorry but there has been a rise in bicycle thefts in the area.”
A police report was filed, but as of yet there have been no leads.
Patrick was working out at Being Fit gym, which he has done for years as part of a regular regiment, when he walked out of the gym at noon on Saturday the bike was gone, the lock had been cut.
Community Member Steps Forward With a Donated Trike
Since the incident a similar trike bicycle was donated to Q Bikes on Clairemont Drive. A gentleman who works out at the same gym, after hearing the story donated a trike that was in his garage not being used. Patrick and his family stopped in recently to see if it would work however because of his disability the particular model trike was not sturdy enough for his requirements.
All is not lost, however, the donated trike for Patrick is still at Q Bikes and for sale for $149. Proceeds will go to the purchase of a new replacement bike similar to the one which was stolen.
If you are in the market for a clean, slightly used trike the donated 6 speed Velor Trike is in good condition.

In speaking with Xavier & Susan, the owners of Q Bikes, “the Vaccas have been coming here for years and we have worked on many of Paul’s bikes throughout the years. The new bike which we are building will be completed soon and is an upgraded model of the stolen bike, and of course with an upgraded lock.”
Xavier also mentioned the stolen bike has been seen once around town. Please keep a lookout as this bike is quite unique a Black Sun Atlas Cargo Trike heavy duty beefy bike. If you see the bike you are urged to call the San Diego Police at (619) 531-2000.
If you would like to check out the donated bicycle for sale at Q Bikes you can visit them at 4592 Clairemont Drive, 92117 (the intersection of Clairemont Drive & Clairemont Mesa Blvd at the Southwest corner of the intersection) (858) 270-2412.
This story will be updated as information becomes available