The Clairemont Community Planning Group (CCPG) Morena Blvd Corridor Specific Plan Ad Hoc Subcommittee will be meeting on Monday, January 14th at 6 pm (see agenda below).

The City of San Diego Planning Department will be presenting their recently released (read/scroll through here) Morena Corridor Specific Plan Final Draft to the sub committee, the meeting is open to the public and public comment is of course encouraged.
The sub committee will take a vote on this night to recommend/support the final draft or maybe deny and/or include additional feedback commentary which will be documented for the CCPG, the Planning Commission, Smart Growth & Land Use Commitee and ultimately the decision will be made/voted on by San Diego City Council possibly Spring/Summer of 2019.
For more information of course read through the plan and also visit the City of San Diego website:
Final Draft
City of San Diego Morena Corridor Webpage