With three items on the agenda for the Clairemont Community Planning Group Project Review (PR) Sub Committee, it turned out to be a pretty uneventful evening. Only 1 item was heard.
- The Coastal Villas Trailer/RV Park, (at Morena Blvd & West Morena Blvd) representatives for the future potential 150 unit apartment project presented to the board. Ultimately it was decided to continue the project until the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was out for review as well as comments from City staff were received by PR. This will be on the agenda at a future CCPG PR meeting.
- 3040 Clairemont Dr or the old Jack LaLanne gym was on the agenda however the person(s) representing the future development were a no show.
- The updates on renovations to the IHOP on Balboa Ave & Mt Abernathy (when it rains it pours as far as that location lately) withdrew the item from the agenda after the agenda had been made public.
The next Clairemont Community Project Review Sub Committee will be next month October 11th (keep in mind this is tentative date, if there is nothing to discuss they will not meet). To stay up to date with all Clairemont Community Planning Group Meetings follow them on Facebook (link below) as well on the City of San Diego website (below)
*Note the next meeting for the full board of the Clairemont Community Planning Group will be Tuesday September 19th at Cadman Elementary the agenda will be publicized ideally 72 hours before that date.