Program Environmental Impact Report
Commentary by Louis Rodolico
The City Council vote on the Regents Road Bridge Transportation Element Amendment is currently scheduled for December 6th 2016 during Council’s lame duck period. Residents who are affected or have an opinion about the bridge are invited to provide comments to the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DPEIR), comments will be incorporated into the final PEIR. You will find the DPEIR with appendices at: This University CEQA document was posted June 17, 2016. To get a summary you can go to pdf pages 34, 35 & 36 of 570 to see Table ES-1 of the DPEIR.
Keep in mind that “The Project” is not building the four lane Regents Road Bridge, not widening Genesee and removing the last vestige of the 4 lane Governor Drive to I-5 connector. Here is the impact synopsis on Table ES-1:
Issue 1: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would result in an increase in projected traffic that is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system and the impact would be significant.
Issue 2: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would result in the addition of a substantial amount of traffic to a congested freeway segment, interchange, or ramp and the impact would be significant.
Issue 3: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would result in a substantial impact upon existing or planned transportation systems and the impact would be significant.
Issue 4: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would result in a substantial impact to present circulation movements, including effects on existing public access areas and the impact would be significant.
Issue 5: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation modes identified in the Bicycle Master Plan and the impact would be significant.
Air Quality
Issue 1: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan.
Issue 2: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would cause a violation of air quality standards or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Issue 1: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would increase greenhouse gas emissions compared to the Adopted UCP.
Issue 2: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would conflict with an applicable plan, policy, or regulation for the purpose of reducing GHG emissions, including the 2015 RTP/SCS, Climate Action Strategy, and City of San Diego CAP.
Issue 1: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would expose people to current or future transportation noise levels that exceed standards established in the Noise Element of the General Plan as the distance of the 65 dBA CNEL contour from the centerline of the Genesee Avenue Corridor increases.
Public Services and Facilities
Issue 1: The Project (Not Building the Regents Road Bridge etc.) would result in an increase in projected traffic in the future year, which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system. The impact on police service response times and fire and emergency service response times would be significant.
Staffs conclusion is clear, building the Regents Road Bridge will benefit the community. Removing the Regents Road Bridge would have significant negative impacts on: public safety, other planned infrastructure, transportation, emergency response times, conflagration egress, air quality and noise.
Illustration 01 shows that Genesee Avenue is the only north south secondary road that pedestrians and bikes can legally cross for 7 miles. All traffic meant to be shared with the other four lane planned roads is funneled through Genesee. Taking any of these planned roads off the plan is a mistake.
Greenhouse Gases and the Climate Action Plan
Illustration 02 is the Pie Chart that is on page 201 and shows that transportation generates 37% of our greenhouse gas emissions. This is an important point given that the four lanes of Genesee Avenue are taking all the traffic meant to be shared with the four Regents Road Bridge lanes along with the four Governor to I-5 connector lanes which were taken off the plan years ago. Not building the bridge has added approximately 10 million pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, this is a necessary consideration if we want to be serious about the Climate Action Plan.
Chapter 9 Transportation Impact Study is in Appendix C. Here you will find a rendering of the bridge, it is unattractive with rust colored concrete. The current plan calls for a bridge with draping vegetation.
Your comments must be received by August 1, 2016 to be included in the final document considered by the decision-making authorities. Please send your written comments to the following address: Susan Morrison, Environmental Planner, City of San Diego Planning Department, 1010 Second Avenue, East Tower, Suite 1200, MS 413, San Diego, CA 92101 or e-mail your comments to with the Project Name and Number in the subject line. Please note only written comments, received either via US Mail, hand-delivered, or via email, will be considered official comments in the Final PEIR.
PROJECT NAME: University Community Plan Amendment
PROJECT No. 480286 / SCH No. 2015121011
Public comments are an important way of letting the city planners and city council know your opinion. This important piece of our road infrastructure is under threat and everyone should voice their opinion, in writing, to the decision makers.
Louis Rodolico has been a resident of University City since 2001